Bubba's Stir-fry sauce
Bubba Durand

4 T Chicken Stock
2 T Soy Sauce
1 T dry Sherry (buy the cheap stuff)
2 T Sugar
1 T Red Wine Vinegar
1.5 t cornstarch
Minced Garlic, at least 2 teaspoons
1 T oil

Mix everything except the garlic and oil in a cup.
Stir it well to mix in the cornstarch. Leave the spoon in it.

In a small sauce pan, heat the oil over medium-low heat.
Add the minced garlic and let it sizzle for a couple of minutes, stirring, until cooked but not brown.
If it browns, throw it out and start over at a lower heat.

Give the sauce mix another stir and pour it into the sauce pan.
Bring it to a boil and let it thicken, stirring often.

The Johnson Family Cookbook